воскресенье, 28 августа 2011 г.


 Heeej)) There are nothing special to write about last days, but something, of course happened..
   First of all, I have to say that I like my new school very much)) People there are very friendly and funny ) But, of course that's pretty hard to talk to them and to understand their language, but I really try! Thanks to some of my classmates who keep translating some sentences into English. They really help me. Teachers are so sweet there! I think if in my older school in Estonia were those teachers I would never skip lessons without any reason :D I don't know what will be in the future but now my desire to study is very big :D Hope that it won't change )) That's also cool that we have kitchen on the floor, because you can make tee or coffee and eat some apple on the break. There are all conditions for students!
  Also, I went to the cinema this week with my classmates to Cowboys and Aliens. Movie was cool, I liked. But, honestly, I wanted to that movie, because of Daniel Craig)) He is the best! :D
  Tomorrow is school day! I have to be there at 10am, so I can sleep long :D I'm lovin it )
   Well , of course I miss my friends from Estland :D That's really nice that we can talk by Skype ))
      And some pictures..

at school)

School kitchen

     Thank you for reading , vi ses snart !

 Din ,
Nancy )

вторник, 23 августа 2011 г.

1st school day :)

   Heeey ! As you understood, today was my fist day at school ! Actually, it was great ! :) I had to be at school at 1am, I was very excited and nervous a little .. But, finally everything was excellent. All classmates are quite friendly and helpful. ) Unfortunately, now I don't understand swedish, but I hope that soon my swedish will become better.) And some words about the school building..
   Fistly, the school has 4 floors. I was surprised that there' re kitchen at two floors and also snack machines on the floors .
   Secondly, lunch is in the other building, near school. I will photograph and show it to you tomorrow. Actually, normal lessons will start next week and this week is just introduction, some classes and etc.
   All in all, I liked the first day, hope that in the future It will be more interesting and finally I will learn swedish ! :D
   Today I won't write more, because I have to wake up at 7am and I am very tired ! Thank you for reading my blog :)

 Hej då!

P.S. Some photos of the day )) 

суббота, 20 августа 2011 г.

School is coming soon.

   Heelloo ! Today is the 5th day here, in Sweden. Eevery day I like it more and more, I should say! My host family is so pretty!) Eva and Jörgen are very friendly. Last 4 days I was walking around the city, did shopping a little, because here is so many nice shops, there you can find a lot of beautiful and stylish clothes with good prices and quality! Also, I was surprised that here people (basically teenagers) don't afraid to put a very daring clothes and to be really stylish! The most popular shoes here are Converse sneakers :D Looks really nice!
  Yesterday, I found out that on Tuesday is my first school day ! I am very excited and hope that my new classmates will be nice. :) Actually, I don't know what to put on, that's a problem! :D So, I am going to artists school, based on art :) I am sure, 2 days left, my life is going to be more interesting ) Also, in a while, I will go training, but I am not sure about the date yet. Hope that it will be really soon, because I miss it very much! 
  Now, I think that's almost all :) I promise to write about my first school days :) 

P.S. And, of course, I am trying to learn swidish ! :D Vi ses snart ! <3


среда, 17 августа 2011 г.

Trip to my new home :D

    The flight was at 7.55 am, I have slept for about 3 hours, because as usual I was packing my luggage at last day, better to say at night :D That's because I wanted to be with my friends all the time before flight. The former exchange student Liisu sent me off to the flight and I am very grateful to her ! By the way I flew to Stockholm with Estonian prime minister :D 
    About 9 am I arrived to Arlanda airport. There I had to meet with the volunteer and we had to wait my train to Östersund. But ,as I am HUMAN-FAIL , when I went out from the gates I haven't seen neither volunteer , nor my luggage ! Yes, I forgot my luggage inside :D I went to information and explained my problem, soon I got my luggage back. But it wasn't the only mess. I couldn't find the volunteer that should meet me near the gates. So, we looked for each other for 1 hour ! The mess happened because neither me, nor Verena (volunteer) had put on the YFU t-shirt . But finally we found each other ! :D
  At 10 am I sat on the train to my new home :D The way lasted about 5 hours and I arrived to Östersund!




Start !

     So, I decided to make an account, to write about my life here, in Sweden. That's my first experience, hope that it will be inetresting for you.  :) I am writing it in English, because It is more comfortable for my friends, who are representatives of different nationalities. Another reason for making  blog is answering a lot of similar questions , for example : Why you chose Sweden? , How are you, there? What have you done today? And so on .. So, I think it will be easier to read answers here :P
    From the beggining. I am an exchange student from Estonia. One day to my school came two girls and told about such organization, as YFU . Youth for understanding - an exchange programm that gives a chance for students from 15-18 age to try living in one of the 60 countries all over the world! I was interested in that, because after finishing gymnasium, I wish to go to university in Sweden. But for that I need to get know the culture of this amazing country and, of course language. Definitely, it wasn't easy to make this decision, because I never pated with my family and friends more than for a month. But, I was excited and wanted to change something in my life !