среда, 26 октября 2011 г.

Wensday morning

 Hej !
 First time I am writing a post in the morning. Wanted to write it yesterday in the evening, but came home after training late. Yesterday on the training happened sad incident. One girl fell down on her neck. Swedish ambulance is not the quickest one, I should say. Finally, they was taken her on a gurney. Hope that everything is alright.
 Tomorrow we have no school, but we are going to presentate a film, we worked on. Dance groups will dance, music groups will sing and play different instruments, I guess. :D So, tomorrow I could sleep looong! Actually, on Mondays school starts at 10.30 and another days at 9.00. Comparing with my Estonian school where lessons starts at 8.15, some days even earlier, Swedish timetable is perfect! But, usually people quickly get used for good.
 As I wrote earlier on Saturday I have competition. Hope it will be fun! :D
 Also, I am waiting for my friend Mary will come back to Estonia from Saratov and we could talk on SKYPE as usual :D Miss you!
 Now I should go to Swedish lesson! Thanks for reading :)

Nancy <3 

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