вторник, 29 ноября 2011 г.

 Finally, I overcame my lazyness and found time to write a new post )
So, what hapenned in my life in past 2 weeks .. 
2 days ago, first smow came! Despite the fact that I don't like winter, I was very glad! But today weather is very sad. It's raining and I am afraid that all snow will melt away.(  Hope that the weather will become better!
 As usually, I can not boast a new purchase. I bought a new winter coat )) So, I am ready for the winter! :D
So soon is December! And so many lovely people have birthdays in this wonderful month! 1st of December was born my elder sister Mary (she is going to be 25)! 3 st of December my dear friend Layza will celebrate her 19th birthay! And, of course 17th of December my darling father will celebrate his 50 years! I thought out the present I will give him and I hope that everything will turn out! Surely, I will tell you what I came up with, but not now, because I don't want my father read that )) Actually, he doesn't read my blog, maybe he even doesn't know that I am blogging, but still :D
 Also, It was an interesting fact for me that here, in Sweden, people celebrate Christmas more than New Year )) Turned out that Christmas is more important holiday almost all over the world, except Russia and countries of former Soviet Union. I didn't know that)) 

  Of course, I can not resist and don't tell that my dear Mary is COMING TO ME! Finally, all tickets are bought and we can breath out! I will be really happy to provide New Year with her! Hope she will like this place as I do it ))
  Probably, December is going to be a nice month) I associate December with mandarins, Coca cola, glög wine, piparcakes, Chrismas, much snow, Christmas songs and of course New Year!! :D
  That's all news for now,I guess ) Have a nice evening!


new coat! :D

вторник, 22 ноября 2011 г.

  During the all last week I had insomnia :( I just can't fall asleep. Don't know why it is happen to me, anyway I will try to deal this problem. But now, I just want to write a new post for you )) I don't have any special information to share.. The last week was funny and as usual with some fails, but that's not point)
  For tomorrow I have to prepare presentation about Nigeria (for English lesson). And as always I haven't finished the work yet. So, I feel that I will go to bed not so soon. :( Hope, tomorrow I will be cheerful :D  
 What about Sweden at all, I like it more and more! My Swedish is slowly improving. But anyway I will try to speak more )) I really want to learn it ! Today it was -1 degree and I can't imagine that soon will be - 30 ! It's typical here )) And, also I WANT SNOW ! Hope soon it will come))
  So short post came out today.:) Have a nice morning/day/evening/night!

 Natalia Santolaria <3 te amo

вторник, 15 ноября 2011 г.

3 months in Sweden!

 Heeej !
   Clock shows 23.29 and I just came home after training. It was great, by the way.) Not everyone can imagine now how tired I am. But still, I think today I just have to write a new post, because It's 3 MONTHS IN SWEDEN today!
   Exacty 3 months ago I came to this country, to Sweden. Pricisely, 3 months ago I began to live in another way, started a new life. 3 months ago my dad took me to the airport. At that moment I didn't realize that I will leave for such long time. I just thought that it will be right. I simply had a big desire to change something in MY world. Actually, earlier I didn't leave my parents more than for 2-3 weeks. But for some reason I thought that It wouldn't be so hard to live without parents and I was right, I guess. Of course, It's only 3 months past, but still for me that's date! Definitely, I miss my family and friends, as all exchange students, I think. But here, in Sweden I really have fun! Some people say that when you are going somewhere as exchange student, your: mind, view of life, stereotypes, mentality and EVERYTHING change. Now, I can't confirm that. Maybe not so much time last. But, definitely, I got know A LOT OF NEW THINGS! I learn a new culture and that's very interesting and cool! And I am really glad and grateful that you read my blog, that you are interested in my life, here!  
  Aftrer school when I was sitting in my favourite mc Donalds :D and eating caramel mc Sunday some guys said that my Swedish is nice :D Of course, it is no really nice, but still I was glad to hear :D I thought maybe in the end of 2011 year I will write short post in Swedish ( with my classmates' help and translation into english, of course :D)
   Can't imagine how I will wake up tomorrow at 7am, but hope I will handle! :D Good night !


love !
at school

don't look at nail :D

пятница, 11 ноября 2011 г.


Heej ))
 As you know, today is a special day! I'll try not to forget to make a wish at 11:11 :D Really, don't know what to wish, but still.. come up with something )
 So, yesterday was really great day.) We had no school, because there were "open doors day" and I spent that day just walking in the city center buying new accesorises, clothes and, finally, I found a present to my small brother Geo, who is going to be 3 years old at 17th of November! I bought him grey cardigan) ( Hope he is not reading my blog :D ) Also, send post cards to my friends and ate Dime mc Flurry with caramel at Mc Donalds :D :D Then I went to training, where I was gladly surprised, because I get know that we have AIR TRACK. (In video) So, I had fun) Came home about 11pm very tired.
 Today I am going to Idre with Eva to her son. We will come back only on Sunday. That means- no Skype for 3 days :D Mary, will miss you! <3
  So soon is 3 months in Sweden! Like it! :) Have a nice weekend guys!

Nancy <3

My new !

Geo's present :D

воскресенье, 6 ноября 2011 г.



 Finally, the last day of my holidays is almost over. I am glad, because I missed school! Tomorrow, again I will wake up at 8 o'clock, gather the bag and go to the bus stop. I will be happy to see my teachers and gladly will sit at the lessons, listening new Swedish words with pleasure.( sounds unbelievable ) :D
  Some days ago I read the blog of another exchange student Elisabet Kalamees, who went to USA  (she is also from Estonia) and she was writting there about she was made Estonian "cookie cake" I thought that's good idea to make some also, because I haven't made any cakes yet. Elisabet, I hope you will not get angry at me because of I made it too. I think your's is much tastier, because ( as I am human-fail, don't forget it ) I forgot to buy milk fot chocolate glaze and cake turned without glaze. But Eva said it is nice ( hope it's truth ) :D


You need :

  1. milk or tea
  2. cookies (Estonian "Selga" is the best, I think, but you can use any sorts you wish, only not  salted )
  3. sour sream
  4. jam ( I took raspberry )
  5. banana

 You have to dip cookies into milk or tea and put it on the plate. Then you spread a layer of sour cream and put cookies again. After, you put a layer of jam and again cookies. Next- you put sour cream and a slice of banana. Then you can put a layer of melted chocolate or hand-made glaze. Simple !

  Today, I was talking to Maaary, finally! When she came from Saratov, she has ploblems with Internet and we couldn't talk! :( Now, I am totally satisfied :D Love you! 

 I think that's all news for today. :)
  Always yours,
Nancy <3

step 1
step 2
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четверг, 3 ноября 2011 г.

Holidays, friendship & new dress

Hello my dear readers!
Today is Thursday, that means that soon holidays will finish. Outside is 3 °C and a lot of clouds. The best time to write a new post for you.
 I should confess, I miss school a little. Really, that's cool to go to school in Sweden.
 Today, when I woke up and ate my brekfast I thought about friendship. Some of us don't believe in it. I believe, really. For me, It's so important that somethere is a person who misses and remembers you everytime. Who is ready to support you even if you are not right. That's amazing when you are totally sure in your friends. And it doesn't matter where is your location, you just always remember them. Buddies! Cherish and take care about your friends and do not quarrel over trifles, sometimes the price of quarells is really expensive. Some days ago I read a story about two dogs, one of them is blind from birth and they are ALWAYS TOGETHER the whole life. I wish everyone of us had that friendship!
 Yesterday, when I walked to the shops, searching for the birthday presents to Eva and my little brother Geo (who is going to be 3 years old on the 17th of November), I bought a new dress :D I don't know what for, because winter is coming soon, but still I liked it. :P Present to my brother I didn't find yet :( Maybe you will suggest something? Bying presents is my favourite occupation, but still I don't know what to buy.
 Have a nice day!


blind friendship

Have you done that? No? DO!
my new dress :D

Finally :D!